Truth Devour’s “Illuminarium,” the first book in the Soliloquy Labyrinth Series, is a fantasy/paranormal novel with a thought-provoking philosophical theme. The reader follows a psychologist, Harper, as she journeys into a mysterious world, explores her past, and finds herself in the midst of a push-and-pull conflict between good and evil.
With beautiful, philosophical writing, Devour manages to draw the reader into the main character’s mind as she navigates a variety of abstract concepts and ideas. The main character possesses a thirst for knowledge that is insatiable, despite struggling to see beauty in the world, at times. As readers, we are exposed to important ideas about introspection and moving forward while being entertained with a fascinating plot. A powerful, thought-provoking novel, I’d recommend “Illuminarium” to everyone who wants to read paranormal fiction that’ll make them think.
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