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The Secret Life of Captain X: My Life with a Psychopath Pilot

The Secret Life of Captain X: My Life with a Psychopath Pilot” is the memoir of a woman who was controlled, manipulated, and emotionally abused by her psychopathic pilot ex-husband.

The book is organized chronologically, beginning with the author’s early life with her alcoholic father. You also get a look into the author’s early adulthood, when she was a professional dancer in New York.

The author’s life with Captain X begins when she calls a number her friend gave her on a piece of paper. The relationship begins like a dream, but ends like a nightmare.

In between the beginning and the end, the author must grapple with infertility, adoption, medical difficulties, and abuse alone. She eventually discovers her husband is a psychopath and part of a criminal “brotherhood” that seeks to encourage prostitution.

Reading the book is an emotional journey. You feel the pain of a woman who survived a nightmare. But at the same time, there is also the opportunity to learn a lot of lessons about dealing with people who manipulate, control, and victimize others. This book is an absolute must-read for anyone who is/knows someone who is emotionally abused.

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The Cowboy and the Canal: How Theodore Roosevelt Cheated Colombia, Stole Panama, and Bamboozled America by J.M. Carlisle

 In "The Cowboy and the Canal," J.M. Carlisle masterfully provides compelling evidence for the true reason behind Roosevelt's decision to build the inter-oceanic canal in Panama (hint: it's not because it was the best location).

The book is organized chronologically, beginning in 1513 with a background on the location where the Panama canal would be built many years later. Carlisle continues to give a tremendous amount of historical context for the canal decision throughout the book, delving into the motives of each of the "characters" who had a role in the decision.

The information is well-organized and presented logically. There are also historical images, illustrations, etc that complement the text nicely. By the end of the book, you will, at the least, be questioning your notion of TR.

Overall, an incredibly well-written book that will engage anyone who is even remotely interested in history.

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The Memoirs of Damage & Vom by Richard Searle and Stephen Ritchie

"The Memoirs of Damage & Vom" is a look into the crazy, wild times of the bass player and the drummer of the Doctor and the Medics.

The reader is given a first-hand look at the dynamics between the members, the development of the band's sound, and their wild, wild antics. The reader gets to learn about what contributed to the band's development, such as how the members met. For instance, they had a drummer who was a hairdresser because he gave free haircuts.

The book is also filled with hilarious stories. One of the stand-out stories involves one of the members eating a potent piece of hashish toffee before going to a bar where The Damned also happens to be. There is also a story where police search the band's tour van, finding a small amount of drugs. Because no one gives a confession, the whole band is jailed before a big gig. The band member who owned the drugs later states he felt the stint in a jail allowed for a nice "nap."

This is a book with a very broad appeal. If you're someone who loves to laugh or just a fan of music memoirs, you will enjoy this book.

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